
Today I got bought from ebay mSATA SSD Card of 128GB for my new coming DELL.

Hope it would be enough for all my software. Well, now I’ll be waiting for it to arrive via Chinese registered mail. But the seller is on vacation due to New Year Celebration in China. Huh…

Strange thing, I was planing to get SSD card in a last turn, but it turns out to be my first upgrade for laptop.

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3 Responses to Samsung / DELL 128GB SSD MSATA PCI-E SSD HARD DRIVE MZMPA128HMFU-00000

  1. Pingback: mSATA SSD arrived! | cmexonat's blog

  2. Tariq says:


    How did your install go? I need to buy a msata ssd for my Dell 15R SE 7520. I would like to buy a 128GB from Samsung as you did but don’t know which model to order. I saw two different models online, one is the one you have MZMPA128HMFU, and the other is MZMPC128HBFU. BTW, what are the specs of the ssd you used? Please let me know how things went with you and how happy you are so far with it. If everything went well I have a few other questions to ask if you do not mind. Hope to hear from you soon.

    • cmexonat says:

      Today I’ve posted about my win7 installation process. Nothing to say about the two models you mentioned, I have the only one and it’s so-so in terms of speed. But it’s better than any HDD.

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